Aamod Walavalkar
Aamod has been developing games for the past year and a half and previously was an engineer on another USC Advanced Game Project, 'Bloom'. Along with a few of his classmates, he also pitched & developed the mobile game 'Dance Wars' which he is targeting to expand and publish on the app store in the near future. Personally his favorite development areas include gameplay and graphics. Outside of USC, he interns at Industrial Toys and is helping them in their final push towards releasing their first game 'Midnight Star', which is a first person shooter for the iOS platform. Aamod's objective is to keep on improving his game development skills and continuing to contribute his best efforts towards creating memorable games which impact a wide audience and keep them asking for more.
His favorite games are Arkham City, Portal 2 and TMNT: Hyperstone Heist. Aside from that, he thinks, breathes and lives sports. Go Federer! Go Real Madrid! Go Packers!